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SaferChild App

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saferchild logo Features

Online / Offline use

Cellular service is not required.

Activation Reminder

The FlexClip and ePad beeps to remind iOS user to activate their App.

Auto Activation / Deactivation

Close the FlexClip or place child upon the ePad to activate SaferCHILD Open the FlexClip or remove the child from the ePad to deactivate SaferCHILD.

Arrival / Departure Real Time Notifications

Date, time and location are displayed upon the child when FlexClip is opened or closed or when the child placed in or removed from the ePad in their CRS.

Child CRS Not Secured

Chimes when FlexClip is unfastened while the car is in transit

Notifications History Log

History of notifications at a glance

Backseat Alert

Upon car parking a courtesy reminder chime heard

Ambient Temperature Unsafe

Chimes when temperatures are unsafe.

Low Battery Warning

Reminder to replace FlexClip or ePad battery

In App calling

Connection to Emergency contacts whenever the child is in an automobile.

Crash Response

Location, date, time is reported to emergency contacts

5 Urgent Messaging Delivery Methods

Push notification, email address, SMS, visual notification, auditory notifications wth time / date and location.

Dual Child Monitoring

Supports up to two children.

Emergency Location Retrieval

Location request by emergency contacts.

Monitor up to five children

Simultaneous monitoring of five FlexClips or ePads

Car Horn Alarm

Child Unattended primary Warning

Auto Windows Down

Child environment temperature is unsafe

Unintentional Driver-Child Separation

Driver has left the child's safety zone. Notifications are sent to emergency caregivers, car horn alert is activated, car windows auto-down when ambient temp is unsafe.